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Business & Management

Leo Speakers Bureau works with leading experts and keynote speakers on Business & Management for institutional and corporate events.

As a keynote speakers booking agency we advise you on the most appropriate keynote speakers for your events that meet your budget, the language of their speeches and the topics to be dealt.

Click on the picture to read the full biography of our keynote speakers and contact us to ask more information.

Speakers available for Business & Management

Tonino Lamborghini

Iconic Entrepreneur of the Italian Lifestyle

Scott Steinberg

Renowned futurist and strategic consultant

Magnus Lindkvist

Futurologist and trendspotter

Matteo Bassetti

Director of the Department Infectious Diseases and Full Professor University of Genoa

Javier Goyeneche

Founder of ECOALF, the sustainable fashion brand that uses recycled products

Adriaan Kamp

Founder of Energy for One World

Ian Goldin

Professor of Globalisation and Development at the University of Oxford

Darya Majidi

Entrepreneur expert in digital transformation, startup and innovation ecosystems creation and AI with a focus on ethics and diversity

Henrik von Scheel

The originator of the “4th Industrial Revolution” and Digital theme of today.

Rachel Botsman

Trust expert - Author - Lecturer at Oxford University

Edward Tse

China’s leading global strategy consultant

Mark Gallagher

Formula 1 renowned expert on high-performance leadership and teamwork

Giada Zhang

One of the most successful Italian young Entrepreneurs

Gabriele Albertini

Mayor of Milan from 1997 until 2006

Alastair Campbell

Former Director of Communications and Strategy for Tony Blair - Writer - Strategist

Marga Hoek

Global thought leader on sustainable business and capital