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Digital Transformation

Leo Speakers Bureau works with leading experts and keynote speakers on Digital Transformation for institutional and corporate events.

As a keynote speakers booking agency we advise you on the most appropriate keynote speakers for your events that meet your budget, the language of their speeches and the topics to be dealt.

Click on the picture to read the full biography of our keynote speakers and contact us to ask more information.

Speakers available for Digital Transformation

Alicia Asín

Expert in the Internet of Things, AI and Big Data

Zoe Kleinman

BBC Technology Editor, Presenter, Moderator

Henrik von Scheel

The originator of the “4th Industrial Revolution” and Digital theme of today.

Holger Schmidt

Digital Economist, journalist, lecturer

Richard van Hooijdonk

Trendwatcher & Futurist

Winston Ma

Investor, attorney, author, and adjunct professor in the global digital economy

Richard Susskind

Expert on the future of legal services

Ivan Ortenzi

One of the most famous Italian expert in Innovation Management

Gianni Riotta

Journalist, Professor Princeton University, Director School Journalism Data Lab LUISS

Marc Randolph

Co-founder of Netflix and former CEO

Giuseppe Stigliano

Global CEO at Spring Studios

Erik Brynjolfsson

Expert in the economic impact of technology

Luca Solari

Innovation and Corporate Organization

Davide Dattoli

Founder of Talent Garden, Innovator, Entrepreneur

Alberto Mattiello

Futurist, Author, Entrepreneur