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Massimo Banzi

Co-founder of the Arduino, innovator, Interaction designer, technologist,

Innovation, Hardware, Open-source, Internet of Things and of course all topics related to Arduino, an Open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use Hardware and Software.

Fee Range: II. €/$ from 5.000 up to 10.000
Languages: English, Italian

*Fee ranges are an estimation for a live keynote speech in an European venue, they can vary significantly depending on the specific requests of the clients, the type of performance, the preparation time and the travel time which is requested. Travel and accommodation costs are not included.


Massimo Banzi is the co-founder of the Arduino open source project, the most widespread in the world. He has been indicated by The Economist as one of the advocates of the “New Industrial Revolution”

He has worked as a consultant on innovation projects for clients such as: Prada, Artemide, Persol, Whirlpool, and Adidas.

He spent 4 years at the Interaction Design Institue Ivrea as Associate Professor. Massimo has taught workshops and has been a guest speaker at institutions all over the world.

Before joining IDII he was CTO for the Seat Ventures incubator. He spent many years working as a software architect, both in Milan and London, working on large web projects.

At just 26 years old, he became a pioneer in the commercial internet by serving as the webmaster for Italia Online, Italy’s first major internet provider and web portal.

Massimo is also the author of “Getting Started with Arduino” published by O’Reilly. He has contributed to the Italian edition of Wired Magazine and other publications.

Massimo started the first FabLab in Italy which led to the creation of FabLab Torino and was the first curator of Maker Faire Rome, a large innovation event in Rome.

He currently teaches Interaction Design at SUPSI Lugano in the south of Switzerland and is a visiting professor at CIID in Copenhagen.


  • Innovation
  • Impact of AI on the Society and the Business
  • History of the Technology
  • How will be the future of the Corporates
  • Internet of Things
  • Open Source


Massimo Banzi 2
Arduino - La guida
Massimo Banzi 2
Getting started with Arduino

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