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Moderators and Hosts

Leo Speakers Bureau works with leading experts and keynote speakers on Moderators and Hosts for institutional and corporate events.

As a keynote speakers booking agency we advise you on the most appropriate keynote speakers for your events that meet your budget, the language of their speeches and the topics to be dealt.

Click on the picture to read the full biography of our keynote speakers and contact us to ask more information.

Speakers available for Moderators and Hosts

Vanessa Grey

Event Host, RTL Radio Speaker, Singer

Zoe Kleinman

BBC Technology Editor, Presenter, Moderator

Susannah Streeter

Financial and Technology Presenter

Adriaan Kamp

Founder of Energy for One World

Alan Friedman

Economic and Political Commentator - TV Host - Author - Producer

Maurizio Melis

Science & Innovation Journalist and radio host

Marco Liorni

TV personality of the most successful programs

Sebastiano Barisoni

Journalist and Deputy Director of Radio 24

Sally Bundock

Presenter – Host - Journalist

Gianni Riotta

Journalist, Professor Princeton University, Director School Journalism Data Lab LUISS